The Whole World Celebrates This News: Discovered The Cure For Diabetes (VIDEO)




Wonderful news for diabetics and all other people are coming from Spain and this news has triggered celebrations around the globe. If this is true then we have finally found cure for diabetes.

Cure for Diabetes

A Spanish clinic claims that there is a great chance that they have found a cure for diabetes (type 2) that will work on all patients.

Their cure is based on gastric bypass. According to the experts who work there, in this way they will contain the disease.

They also say that the process is perfectly safe for type 2 diabetes patients. By using this method, the stabilization of insulin works in more than 80% of patients. Now let’s check the details.

But ready, nothing better than to see the video at the bottom of the article to the end to understand.

A group of metabolic and bariatric surgeons with experience in the field of clinical obesity, led by Jose Vicente Ferrer, has managed to help about 85% of patients with type 2 diabetes.

After the gastric bypass surgery they have performed, patients didn’t even have to use insulin.

The team of scientists has released a statement in which they say that they have witness success in their efforts to improve the quality of life of patients by improving their health and limiting the use of insulin.

This procedure is especially successful in type 2 diabetes patients because it helps them in suppressing the use of insulin (in case they are patients for no more than 10 years) and that they have suitable pancreatic reserve.

The last requirement must be confirmed through a thorough study and even with live checkups that will help the doctors find out more about the amount of pancreatic reserve and what kind of reactions can we expect from the pancreas during the surgery.

It is worth mentioning that the chances of stopping insulin need in patients is about 80% while the chances of significantly limiting the use of insulin is about 95%.
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There are many benefits of metabolic surgery and solving the problem with obesity is one of them.

The Cure For Diabetes featured

Weight Loss Effects

The surgery actually has two goals – to make the stomach smaller and to bypass the duodenum and ileum. So, basically after the surgery, the patient will bypass the duodenum and the first part of the small intestine whenever they consume food which ultimately means losing excessive weight.

Most of the patients who have undergone this surgery are able to go back home in less than 2 days, requiring less insulin than before the surgery and losing weight gradually.

This metabolic surgery is designed for patients suffering from diabetes that started in adulthood and related to excess weight (over 20 kg). This condition is called diabesity.
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Make sure you have enabled English subtitles/closed captions in this video.

Resources: Europa Press

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